Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lindsay Lohan has been sent to jail!

That girl is in and out of court more often than a judge, but late yesterday Lindsay Lohan was officially sent to the slammer for 120 days. The sentence was given after the young actress violated her DUI probation agreement by, er, walking out of a shop without paying for a necklace. And not just any necklace, a necklace worth £1,500. All things that are frowned upon - obviously.
The 24-year-old was also given 480 hours worth of community service – and according to US reports this will include her having to work in a morgue. Eek!
Lindsay was initially on trial for theft, despite denying she had stolen the jewellery, instead insisting she had actually forgotten she was wearing it when she ventured out of the shop. But yesterday, it seemed like things were going well for her when the charges were changed to those of Misdemeanour rather than actual theft - although clearly it all didn't work out so well in the end...
And apparently Judge Stephanie Sautner raised a very valid point in saying, “If it was an accident she had the numbers to call them back to return it." Then she sentenced Linds to her fourth jail term. Wow.
Previous to this news, Lindsay had spent a mighty $75,000 on bail from Los Angeles’ Lynwood Correctional Facility before the hearing. But alas it seems no amount of money can get her out of this one – or at least we hope not. Although we have a feeling that after a couple of weeks, she might just have managed to blag her way out of that 120 days jail-term. Maybe we should open a little book on how soon it will happen…


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