Friday, April 15, 2011

'Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes' Teaser Trailer: Five Key Scenes

James Franco's ambitious scientist appears to have doomed mankind.
By Terri Schwartz

James Franco in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"
Photo: 20th Century Fox

There's still another four months until the apes take over humanity, but the first real glimpse at "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" provides a chilling look at the suspenseful flick to come. This teaser of the prequel to the "Planet of the Apes" films certainly makes us feel like our days are numbered, thanks to James Franco and his team of scientists. Here's a look at the trailer's five key moments as we count down the days until August 5.

Caesar Is Chosen
Franco plays central character Will Rodman, who thinks he has found the cure to Alzheimer's and is looking to test it on one of his lab's many apes. He ends up settling on Caesar, an ape who shows the ability for functional thought more than the others he has at his disposal. But things don't go according to plan.

Watch Out, Tom Felton
Caesar's mental processes start developing quickly, and soon he escapes after he learns to build a tool to unlock his cage. With these advanced apes set loose on the world, no one is safe, especially not "Harry Potter" star Tom Felton! In our first and only glimpse of him in the trailer, Felton stands outside as an ape sneaks by on the roof behind him.

Freida Pinto and James Franco Need to Boost Security
An ape (maybe Caesar) stands over the bed doctor power couple Franco and Pinto Pinto are sleeping in. They should probably padlock their doors, because when simian creatures taking over the world, it's doubtful that they feel charitable toward the people who were experimenting on them.

The Apes Are Loose!
As we teased earlier, the main focus on the trailer for "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is the sense of foreboding as the mutated apes take over Earth. Our favorite of these shots shows David Oyelowo standing in an office building with hundreds of apes looking down from the upper floors. They might not be humans, as the trailer warns, but they sure do look threatening.

Visual Effects On Display
The final shot in this first trailer is the same as the one in Wednesday's teaser, and for good reason. The apes look fantastic, thanks in large part to "Avatar" special-effects company Weta Digital. Caesar looks more realistic than any CGI simian we have seen in the past, and that's the clincher for making "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" rise above its series predecessors.

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